Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What a Day!

Tuesday, Aug 9. We should have stayed in bed! Started when Al forgot to set his mocoa in the holder when we left, and it spilled all over, but then...driving out of North Platte, Nebraska where we had stayed at Wal-Mart, some guy was waving at Al like he should pull over. We weren't sure if something was wrong, or he didn't like us traveling 55, but we pulled over and stopped. The left rear tire on the GMC we tow was shredded! Al changed the tire (luckily we had a good spare full of air) alongside the busy highway! I saw lightning once, and it sprinkled lightly. Most cars moved over, but not all. Could have been so much worse! Then we pulled into the next rest stop to figure out next plan. Called all over the area to find right tire and new rim, and finally found them in Omaha...too far to go tonight after this day! Will be there tomorrow morning. We stopped in Kearney, Nebraska at Wal-Mart for tonight. Wal-Marts are becoming our Home-away-from-home!

Over the past week-end, we stayed at my nephew Vern's home with his family in Loveland, Colorado. They live in a lovely home right on Horseshoe Lake, and have a nice party boat and they bought a speedboat while we were there, so we lucked into much lake time!
Getting into Loveland, we stopped for diesel (I'd looked up "Gas Buddy" for best deal). The lady on the phone said it was always busy, but there was plenty of room for us to pull in our RV. Well, we couldn't pull in from the direction we came, so turned around and swung in from the other way without really checking it out.....Al got into their lot, then realized the RV pulling the tow could not manipulate the turn into the pump! So, we had to unhook the car, and even thenit took some driving skill for him to get out of there. The big tanker had also pulled in right behind us to fill their tanks, and it was crazy, but we made it. Were only a few miles from Vern's, so didn't hook back up, so I drove the car. We were SO HAPPY to stop for the week-end. While there, and unbeknownst to anyone, our other neice from Washington came to visit Vern & Laura, so we got to see Penny and her twin girls, Caitlyn & Chloe! What a delightful surprise. We always manage to miss them when we go up their way!

I was so happy when I started this blog, as I thought I had figured out how to get the pictures posted, but now it is not working! Will try to put them in later.

Nebraska along Hwy 80 looks almost like North Plains near Portland. Lots of green fields that go on forever. Grateful to see green, though, and that it is not so hot. Humid, but not so hot. We don't even have AC running today!

We are 2 hours ahead of home here, and it's dinner time, so perhaps I will add more later.
Love to all,
Sylvia & Al


  1. I love to read about your adventures !! I think all of us RV'ers have
    FUN moments like you described...I guess it just goes with the territory.
    They aren't really fun moments...but are funny to relate after they are over.
    Thankfully you weren't hurt....so that is a blessing !
    We should compile a book with all our stories.....It would be
    very entertaining !!

    Sharon & Leo

  2. I'm finally happy to see some pictures of you two, and the rv!! Wow, quite a ride you got there. It's been beautiful back here on the Oregon coast this week. Overcast mornings, clearing by noon, and I'm sure yesterday was around 70-75 in the late afternoon. The dear raided my yard night before last and got every flower on my gladiolus, and then all the roses. It's sad.
    Happy trails to you! I love the blog...the pictures are great so I guess you figured that out. LOL

  3. Wow.. what a day.. the good news is that you made it though without a scratch. Granted the tire and rim was a casuality but you did manage to meet up with more relative than you expected. Thinks are good on the home front. I have been keeping up with the lawn since Ive been back. The weather has been dry, but mostly foggy or heavy overcast in the mornings. The sun does manage to make it out by noon. Off to the fair tomorrow afternoon to work in the Mon. Music booth. So Wal-Mart lets you stay in their parking lots for free? Thanks for the update & pictures... John
