Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hudson Auto & the RV Museums

While we waited for the fridge, we visited the Hudson Auto Museum. Have posted a few pics. Pretty interesting old vehicles! We both finally (at our age) realized why the storage in back of a vehicle is called a trunk! They used to strap a trunk on the back of the car, then actually began making a trunk a part of the car. Just never thought of the verbage.

Also went to the RV Museum in Elkhart, and the Entegra RV Factory at Middlebury, and Newmar Factory at Nappanee, IN. The RV Museum was a hoot! The blue and white one was Mae West's Housecar, paid for by Paramount Studios! There was a solid-sided trailer pulled by a 1913 model T, Piggy-back rigs from 1915...not pick-ups, but runabouts with the trunk removed, and camper box put on top.

Of, course, I had to keep an eye on Al. He found this gal resting on a bench and had to make friends.

The final night at Shipshewana, we were invited to JR's home to meet his wife and have dessert. They live on a beautiful property in a huge home made by her brother. It was absolutely gorgeous. We had a very peaceful 2 hr visit with them at their huge granite table, where she served homemade raspberry cream dessert. They also gave us a basket (same one we had given them filled with fruit) filled with fresh vegetables from their garden! We felt we have wonderful friends here and almost hated to leave.

Shipshewana was named for a Potawatommi Indian Chief. Population of the town in 2009 was 536. It was founded by the Anabaptists, Amish and Memonite cultures. When the kids leave the Amish faith to see what the world is about, it is called, "Rumspringa" which means "running around" in Pennsylvania-Dutch, which is cross between German and English, and is the Amish "tongue". They do not worship in churches, but the 3-hour services rotate among the members' homes. Alsok, they do not have health insurance, but if one is in need of medical help, all the members chip in. The kids only go to school through the 8thy grade and begin working and learning their trade. Also, one Amish stated their love of the word, "JOY"...Jesus 1st, Others 2nd, Yourself last. What a beautiful thought!

We finally left Shipshewana on Tuesday morning, after JR installed an additional fan. The fridge seems to be cooling well, even though the digital thermometer must be off. The cheapo one reads where it is supposed to be. Stayed in Toledo, OH at a Wal-Mart lot that night, then on to Sandusky where we walked on dock on Lk. Erie. Didn't know Lk Erie is the entire northern border of Ohio! We talked with a very informative Border Patrol police who told us about Hwy 2 through Put-In-Bay. So. We took the beautiful drive along the lake shore to Vermilion, OH. There we parked in big parking lot where Al asked people in the hardware store if it was ok. Yes! Ok, while fixing dinner, a lady knocked on our door and asked why we hadn't called HER to ask permission. She liked our cat, Rusty, so said we could stay. About 11:30, there was a lightning bolt that lit the whole area and the thunder came at the same time. It must have just missed us. Then for the next few hours, it BLEW (wasn't sure the RV wouldn't tip over!), RAINED, thunder and lightning. Should've taken a movie!!!! Pretty scarey! Lots of power outages, trees down, etc. Whew! Glad the sun was out again this morning.

Today, Al drove us along Hwy 6 East through downtown Cleveland, where we got on Hwy 77 and headed south to Akron, Home of Doctor Bob. We will go see that tomorrow. Tonight, we are in a quiet RV park about 20 mi away. Glad to be settled in for 4 nights here.

8/26: Spent this morning in Akron at the AA Intergroup Office seeing all the Archives of AA history and learning all about where to go to see where it all happened. What an amazing place. We planned to spend about an hour, then go to Dr. Bob's home, but that will need to happen tomorrow. Went to a funky "Dry People's Club" after the meeting last night and met some very interesting people. Getting quite a colorful history here and we are blessed.

I realized I sent this yesterday with a non-working link, so will try to send it again. Hopefully it will work better this time. All for now!


  1. I'm so excited to get your blog! I love reading your adventures. My husband Klaus would just love the Hudson museum also, and the RV museum is terrrific too. I have to say, I have a twinge of jealousy you two. Now, in Akron is really awesome! It is a trip I have wanted to take for years, and know many people that have. I'm so happy to wake up...much too early this morning...with a huge resentment going, and know I have a program to help me take care of it!! At least I can laugh at myself, although, I don't feel it's a laughing matter at all. Reaching for the next highest feeling this morning, and wishing you Happy Trails!

  2. I love your blogs! When I was in high school there was an old Hudson pickup in a neighbor's field in Poulsbo- like one in your pics.
    Keep the blogs coming!
