Friday, June 22, 2012

Still in Kissimmee

It was one year ago today that we left our home in Tillamook!!! 

Just a note to let you know we are still alive and kicking.  As of Tuesday this week, I am able to walk a little without crutches, wearing a soft knee brace.  SO nice to be able to shower, etc., without help, and today, even walked to and got into the pool  Nice to get a little exercise!!!

I don't think we have even taken any pictures lately, so not much to share.  Went to a small community theater a couple weeks ago and saw, "Divine Sister", by Charles (?) Bush.  Was really fun and well done.  We got front row center seats because of my wheelchair! 

Took the kitties in for their vacinations last week.  Rusty's up about 1#, and Magoo has gained 3#.  We had his blood tested, and so far, he is within limits.  Worry about him getting Diabetes as our last big kitty died from that.  Trying to cut back a little on his treats and trying to get him to play a little for exercise. 

Nice to see gas prices coming down!  WalMart was $3.15 regular and $3.59 diesel yesterday!!!  Lowest we've seen in a LONG time. 

Weather has been mid-80's to mid-90 and HUMID.Get a little rain almost every afternoon, but nothing like surrounding areas, so far. 

Will write more when we have something to write about.  Hugs to all,
Al & Sylvia

1 comment:

  1. Hardley seems like it's been a year since you left! What a great adventure. Barbara did call me yesterday and we will meet on Monday to look at the apt.
    All is good
