Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Where has time gone?

Sept 12, 2012...6 weeks since last blog post!  Sorry!
Found a note about  more silly road names.  Heading North to Ocala,Fl, passed intersection stating "Okahumpka" to left and "Howie in the Hills" to right.  Must be a story there?  Did Howie spend too much time at Okahumpka and have to head for the hills?    Also, KFC Buffets back there!  You mean people can't get enough fat, sugar, starch etc.,in a regular KFC meal so have to go to where they can get all they can eat???                 As you can see, my mind gets bored and invents things while we travel!
So...last writing, we were leaving Augusta.  The frig is now working well, as long as the weather is not too hot, and not sure about its operation when we dry camp using gas setting, but for now, we are moving on.  Not a whole lot of touristy things open at Augusta.  We did a lot of wandering, shopping (can't buy much as no place to put stuff), etc.  Al took me to a shooting range and I shot a pistol awhile for the 1st time.  I am scared to death of them, but guess I need to conquer the fear.  The pistol I was using was not realy comfortable, and my hand got quite sore.  Probably a lot of it due to my being so tense.  There were a lot of people shooting in there, and it was noisy even with ear protection!

                 Jack Corderman & Sylvia
We did go to Ft. Gordon to dinner theater to see "Almost, Maine".  Wasn't kind of play we thought and the most exciting part was we witnessed  the couple seated at our table get engaged!  He got down on his knees and everything.  She was SO excited.  Probably she didn't see much of the play, and she didn't eat much, either.  Dinner was very good by the way.

That night after the play, our dear friend, Jack Corderman, from Haggerstown, Maryland, called to talk.  He was very ill, and requesting prayers.  We had just tried to contact him after hearing he was ill, so he felt he needed to return our call.  It was about a week later we learned he had passed away.  We will always remember him, and especially his kindness in the week he spent chauffering us around all the historic places while we were in Maryland.  He was a great man!

We had enjoyable time with Michael and Ted Earle, and Michael took us to see the Old Locks on the canal in Augusta.  Beautiful setting, and nice place to walk and visit.  We saw our first SNAKE!  It was crawling up over the fence, and all I saw was about 8-10 inches of it.  Wasn't sure what it was, as thought it might be the head of something else.  Had beautiful blue eyes, light grey in color, with pretty colors.  Al and Michael both looked over the fence and said it was about  2 feet or more long.   It was about 2" in diameter. She didn't think it was poisonous, but not sure. I am pleasantly surprised we haven't seen more on our trip :-). (I didn't think to take its' picture!)  We also saw a lot of turtles in the canal.  Michael said they are snapping turtles and they eat the eggs of the duck and geese.
Sylvia & Michael Earle

We made a quick decision for me to fly to Seattle to see family, and Al stayed at Asheboro, NC.  On the way we took a wrong turn (haven't made too many of those thanks to GPS on our phones) and drove about 50 miles out of the way via Greenville.  Got back on track and made it to our reserved park and it was not a really nice place, and couldn't level RV, no cell signal, and a 24-hour shooting range next door.  Headed out of there, took a wrong turn and ended up somebody's driveway. Had to unhook and turn around and hook back up!  Practice!  We found another park about 16 miles away and it was so much nicer!  Al was happy to be there, as they had a pool he finally got Dish Signal for TV, and had cell phone.

Son, Jim, Dao, Jessica (7) Elise (3)
Grandson, Nathan & "Bentley"
He took me to the Charlotte, NC airport (70 miles away) early morning in the fog and dark.  We made a few turns that took longer, but finally made it.  I got there in plenty of ti  me.  Had good flight, and daughter-in-law, Cara, picked me up.  Spent that night with them and 4 of our grandchildren and 3 of their friends, in their RV at Vasa Park in Sammamish.  SO GOOD to see family!  Son, Brent, loaned me his car for my trip which I happily accepted, ESPECIALLY since it was his fancy convertible!!!  I was pretty paranoid at first that something would happen to it, but it was a joy.  Then I spent 10 days traveling between all the family.  A few days with son, Jim and family with the other 2 granddaughters, a wedding of my dear cousin where I got to see another cousin from California, a few days with my beautiful daughter, Jan, in Puyallup, to Hadlock to see her aunt Lene', then to Poulsbo to see both brothers, Glenn and Tom and wife, Billie Jo. Got to go to Whiskey Creek STeak House to see my 1st mother-in-law play trumpet in the band (she is 91 ). Back to Edmonds to see Jim again, then to Issaquah with Brent.  He took me to the SeaTac airport (another early morning), and a cruise ship had been in port and all the passengers must have been trying to fly out!  I missed my flight as the lines were so long for both check in and security.  Then I was in line for 3 hours to arrange new flight which couldn't be until next day.  Jan to the rescue!  She picked me up and I stayed another night in Puyallup with her and flew out next day.  A bonus to get to see her again!!!  Good flight back,  was met by Al, we had dinner, and there were red roses waiting at the RV!

Brent's convertible!
Grandkids pitching their tent at Sammamish

We stayed there a couple more days, met some new friends, Rob & Peggy.  Had nice dinner out with them, and Al and Rob went to a gun show in Greensboro.
Al & Sylvia at Thomas Jefferson's home
 While online I found out a friend I haven't seen for years lives in Charlottesville, NC.  Our parents used to camp together when we were kids.  Our job was to fix up "the latrine" for the camp spots.  We would find the perfect private place, dig a hole, smoothe a log to sit on, etc., and about that time our Dads would return saying there weren't any fish there, so we would break camp, move on and try it again another spot!  Funny that she and I both remember that and not much else about those trips.  Not sure we ever even got to use our pots!!  She, Diane LeClare Halverson, invited us to their home and fixed a wonderful dinner, and we had several hours to catch up with her and Chuck.  Small, wonderful world!  They told us to be sure to see Thomas Jefferson's Estate, James Monroe's home, and the Rotunda at the U of VA.  We missed the Rotunda, as it was too late in the day and traffic was a mess.  Also no place to park!  The president's homes were magnificent.  Each over 500 acres.  Thomas Jefferson's home was 8-sided, and took 40 years to build.  It had 3 floors, 21 rooms, and 13 skylights.  We got a tour of the 1st floor and info on his slaves.  Once again, no photos allowed in the homes!!!!!

"Settle" Table converts to a bench.  (Settle is my maiden name)
Rotunda at U of VA
Sylvia & Diane LeClare Halverson
From there, we moved to Waynesboro for the labor Day Weekend.  Drove to nearby Staunton to an overpriced farmers market, wandered through some antique stores, etc.  Quiet, pleasant stay.

Thomas Jefferson's Honeymoon Cottage
This was Yokum's campground office at Seneca rocks
reverse side of Thomas Jefferson's Home

Thomas Jefferson's home
On to the Blue Ridge Parkway on Skyline Drive.  Lots of curves, climbing, and it was so foggy we couldn't see.  Stayed one night at Seneca Rocks, West Virginia, then Elkins, WV, Lexington, VA, Roanoke, VA.  Then back on BRP heading south.  Weather much nicer this time.  Beautiful country.  Steep climbs, vast overlooks, much vegetation.  Can imagine spring flowers and autumn leaves , or snow scenes would be even more breathtaking.  Poor Al would have been better off going while I was gone, though, as I am such a nervous passenger on those narrow, winding roads. We stayed one night at Stone Mt. State Park, which was peaceful, and another night parked alongside the road in an overlook parking lot.  One stop along the Parkway was at Puckett cabin.  The lady who lived there, bore 24 children, none of which lived beyond infancy!  She lived to be 102, and spent her later life as a midwife, always cheerful and helpful to others.
This is the size vehicle the parkway was made for!
We are now at Candler, NC outside Asheville, parked along roadside  with 6 hook-up spots.  Quiet and peaceful. 

Biltmore Estate
Yesterday, we drove to Asheville to see the Biltmore Estate.  The largest home in the US!  Situated on 80,000 acres, the home has 4 floors, basement and sub-basement.  255 rooms, 43 bathrooms, full 70,000 gallon heated indoor swimming pool with underwater lighting, 2-lane bowling alley, gymnasium, etc.  We took the tour and got to see parts of 3 floors.  It was magnificent, especially having been completed in 1895. The 2.4 million cubic ft. home was completely furnished in timely furnishings (some original).   Built by George W. Vanderbuilt as a bachelor!  He married 3 years later and they raised 1 child, Cornelia who later married Honorable John Francis Amherst Cecil, a British diplomat, and their descendants still own and run the estate today.   We also drove through the gardens, alongside mill pond, and walked through part of the winery which has been added in recent years.  Quite an experience!  Their old 7-passenger touring car in 1913!  These people were WAY ahead of their time.

We are here in Candler until we receive our mail, probably on Friday, then will head west towards Gatlinburg, Tennesee.  Sounds like there and Pigeon Forge both have many things to see!!!  We are so glad to live in and be able to see our beautiful USA.

Andy & Katherine's wedding.  Beautiful Outdoor wedding!
Katherine & Mary Ann (Sylvia's cousins)
Just an interesting building.  Such detail!

View from Parkway

Blue Ridge Parkway view

From one of the outlooks along the NC portion of the Blue Ridgeparkway

You don't see signs like this on normal roads!

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