Friday, October 21, 2011

The Maine Beaches Region

From Augusta, we went to Portland, ME and stayed in another Elks parking lot. Went to the Harbor and walked around looking at all the yachts and shopped in a few stores. the streets here were cobblestone.
Stayed 3 nights at Portland, cuz Al crawled under the RV to lube it and found out the cause of a of our front shocks had broken off! Camping World where we got it couldn't fix for 3 weeks, so took it to Freightliner and they had it done while we waited after getting the part Fed-Exed . Then on down the coast of Maine where we found York. Accidentally found this area cuz we needed to settle long enough to get our mail forwarded. Picked a town down the coast where there was a live theater performance of "Miss Saigon", at Ogunquit, ME and decided we'd go there for a few days. Proceeding that way we found Freeport( home of L.L.Bean and many other outlet stores), Kennebunk and Orunquit (both which are having Octoberfests this weekend) and York. But.... no RV parks are open!! the season ends Oct. 12 around here and the parks ordinance, I guess. Finally called the Visitor Info center who told me one park was staying open due to the festivals. So, called and found a space @ $38.50/night. We usually try to stay under $30 or free, (wal-marts, Elks, etc). This park closes after Monday, and have their water pipes blown out for winter on Tuesday. wonder what we will find as we venture further south?

We checked into the York Camper Park and met Diane, owner, who has known our friend Bill Wilson for 20 years! She directed us to all the cool places to visit like a tour guide, and this peaceful park is 1 block from the ocean! We walked to the beach this morning, (Can you believe the beaches here are non-smoking!!!!) wandered the shops (many are now closed for the season), then drove to "When Pigs Fly Bakery", (had to get some bread and a couple huge cookies...they gave us samples and we couldn't resisit!) Old Ft. McNary, Kittery Point, Nubble LighthouseOld Jail, etc. The sun was out most of the day and we really enjoyed it. Had wonderful "chowda" in a bread bowl with ocean view. (Diane didn't lead us wrong here!)

Last night we had a little excitement. Were having a peaceful game of dominoes (I creamed Al !) when a beeping alarm started chirping. Al investigated and it was the Carbon Monoxide Detector! We had been baking in a new dish that is micro-oven-freezer, etc. proof, so wondered if that were it. Opened all the windows and turned on the fans, and it continued to beep. We finally had to accept it must be faulty, left some windows open and decided if we woke up, we'd get a new alarm! Well, that was it! Didn't realize the alarms (not just the batteries) have a 5-6 year shelf life! So we now have a new one installed.

We have tickets to "Miss Saigon" for Sunday afternoon. Al was going to take me for surprise for my 50th birthday in Portland, but my Dad died suddenly 2 days prior. So, we have been gonna see it ever since. Am excited. The Orgunquit Playhouse is pretty well known, and they bring in tour busses to see their productions!

We HAD to take a picture of this sign over isle in grocery store! Never knew there was that big of a demand for warm beer! Al says that's what they only got in Vietnam when he was there, but I never did crave it warm.

We may have had our credit card compromised this week-end, so had to cancel it, which is why we need to wait for mail! What a pain! I think I accidentally hit accept twice on an update to an app on my phone, so think it was just that, but had to cancel the card to be sure. The bank called us same day to inform us, which is lucky. Our God is good and watching over us!

There is a zoo and wild animal park next door to us here. It is closed for the season, but Diane told us we might hear the lion roar until they fed him in the morning. Either we slept through it, or they fed him early today, but we didn't hear it. Wonder what the kitties will think if they do? Tomorrow and Sunday, we will go see the festivities in Kennebunk and Ogunquit...parades, bed races, high heel races, public market, etc. Should be a fun day. More later!

Ok. It is now Sunday night. Yesterday, Al washed the RV, we took the kitties out for a long walk, then into town of Orgunquit (5 miles north) for their festivities. There was a car show with about 50 classic carsa craft and art show, then wandered theshops and looked at Halloween dec. A High Heel Dash was scheduled, so we asked where and were told how to get there. We thought the lady said 1/4 mile or so! We WALKED and WALKED and WALKED. Finally got there (about 2 miles?) and got good spot to watch until people just moved in right in front of us. I couldn't see a thing but feet, and Al saw little more. But, it was a hoot! Men, Men(?) in Drag, women and young girls all in various types of heels raced up towards the beach and back (on pavement). Prizes were for highest heels, most outrageous costumes, and first back. Tall long-legged man (?) in heels won by a landslide. then we WALKED and WALKED and WALKED back to the car, perused an antique store and headed "home". Fun day. People really get into the decorations for the Halloween here!

Today, we went back into Orgunquit for an 11:30 am costume parade. We got there at 11 and it was over! Said it didn't take long? So then we headed for the scheduled Bed Race. That was a riot. 4 teams of 5 had designed and decorated beds to push and they raced up the street 2 at a time.
From there, we went to the Orgunquit Playhouse to see "Miss Saigon". What a performance! the theater is 79 years old, and non-profit. Seats about 600 and it was nearly full. Neither of us knew the story, so it was pretty heavy at parts, especially for Al, but we really enjoyed it.

Then on to dinner at Maine Diner. Wonderful dinner in a fun place. I had Vegetarian Lasagne (brought 1/2 home), and Al had sirloin steak. From there to a meeting, where Al was asked to share his journey, as one speaker had not shown up. He did a nice talk especially spur of the moment.

If our mail arrives, we will head south across the tip of New Hampshire into Massachusetts tomorrow. Weather has been cold and crisp. Rain is in the forecast again, though, but at least not snow, yet.

In Maine, there is a state law against any commercial fishing on Sundays Memorial Day through labor Day! Isn't this during the time of year when the fishing would be safer?

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