Thursday, February 16, 2012

LazyDays RV Park & Brandon Elks

While in Dunedin, we drove out to Honeymoon Island and walked the beach. Didn't pay the fee to go into the State Park there, as it was cold and we opted to just walk the beach just outside the park. Didn't stay out long that day, but found this guy that had built a home-made sailboat and was getting ready to see if it would work. Also talked to a guy with a metal detector. He said the most interesting thing he had ever found was a lower plate with 2 gold fillings which he had melted down and made into jewelry!

From there, we moved toLazyDays RV Park in Seffner (outside Tampa) on Monday after leaving the Elks at Dunedin. This place is amazing. There are MANY RV sites, plus full service section with 200 Service Bays for repair. They offer free breakfast and lunch Mon-Sat, and seminars on various topics all those days as well. The free meals weren't great, but if you were hungry, would be pretty good, and it included free coffee, tea, pop and juice any time of the day as well. There is a beautiful covered, open-air pool and hot-tub, but we never took time to go lounge, as there are too many other things to do. We looked at the new and used RV's here, but decided we are really happy with the one we have, but it is always fun to look! On the same property is a Camping World, Flying J's Station, and a Cracker Barrell Restaurant, and oh, yes. The RV Park has a restaurant/pub available as well.

Went to an RV Driving course (in classroom only) and learned a couple more tips on how to drive, a course on renovating the inside, one on repairing fogged windows instead of replacing, internet connectivity, apps to make computing easier, etc.

We drove through the historic section of Ybor (Tampa) and talked with the lady at the visitor center. We could have opted to take tour of cigar rolling factories, wine tasting, etc., but opted out of those.
I had the opportunity to get finger-printed , and guess what? I have NO FINGERPRINTS! All my years of restaurant and motel work, construction, etc., and they are gone! The lady said it is common among restaurant works, doctors, nurses, etc! Incredible! So...I'd better not ever need to have them on file!

I am pretty removed from reality on this trip, but the realization just dawned that tax time is only 2 months away! I finally got the year-end business reports done, but now have to hope we have all the info with us we need to file IRS.

From Lazydays, we moved about 9 miles to Brandon Elks. It was listed @ $10/night with water and elec, but their prices have changed since publication, and we are paying a whopping $17.50/night. Still very nice, peaceful park. There were only a couple rigs here when we got here, but now about 15? Fresh lemon and tangerine trees on the property, and only a few miles from Tampa.

We had steak dinner at the Elks the first night, and they had a 2-pc band and we got to dance til midnight when we turned in :-). On the way out, we noticed this table by the door, set for the POW's and pushed against the door. Very touching!

Went to the Florida State Fair and watched lawnmower races, (It had rained the day before, and the track was really sloppy....had to grade it, and they still got stuck in the mud....sounds like home!) pig races (big build-up for a silly event, but fun), Elvis show (really good music...saw it twice while there), and a Hillbillies show, plus went to a living museum of the history of Florida. Enjoyed watching all the people, games, and food vendors. They had almost everything imaginable deep-fried....pickles, butter, peanut butter sandwiches, oreos, tomatoes, vegies, cheese, you name it! We enjoyed nice healthy (and good, too!) salads.

Been here at Brandon 4 nights, and are heading back to Largo tomorrow for the week-end, as a friend let us know he is leading a spiritual retreat at Indian Rocks Beach this week-end. So, what the heck! We can always use a tune-up in that department, so why not! We still intend to head for The Keys, but keep getting side-tracked. As long as we are enjoying it, why not! Today is 80 degrees again, with a little breeze, so life is tough. Sorry to rub it in for those of you in the rain.

That's about it for this time. I keep losing internet connection, so want to get this saved and sent before it disappears again. Love and best wishes to all.

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