Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hagerstown, MD

We left York, PA last Saturday, and traveled to Hagerstown, MD where we stayed 1st night at Wal-Mart. Our Friends, Jack & Ann went with us to dinner, and Jack offered to be our tour guide for the next few days! Ann went to care for a new grandchild and siblings for the week. Next morning, we moved to Hagerstown Elks club and had electricity hook-up. We then found a laundromat and took care of that weekly detail. (exciting, huh?)

Monday morning, Jack picked us up and we went to Harpers Ferry, Virginia, which was a travel route for American Indians, explorers and settlers, canals and railroads, prior to and during the Civil War. The town changed hands eight times between the Union and Confederate troops from 1861 to 1865. The town had a US musket factory, and 2 arsenal buildings where thousands of finished weapons were stored. We walked over the railroad bridge and into the town where we had a wonderful lunch. Jack obviously studied and learned a LO T more about our history than I ever did, and he was wonderful about explaining everything to us and making it interesting and fun.

The photo of the cannon inverted into the stone is one of 6 there, and they are erected wherever a General was killed.

Tuesday morning, Jack again picked us up, and this time we visited Antietam Battlefield. Weather was not so nice this day, so we mostly stayed in the car and drove through the park. Wednesday, Jack took us to Gettysburg. We stopped at the Visitor center and viewed the film, "A New Birth of Freedom" experienced the Cyclorama (a sound and light show of the spectacular 377' painting of Pickett's Charge. Then, wandered through the Exhibits in the museum depicting the 3 days of this war which killed or wounded nearly 50,000 union and confederate soldiers. Then we drove through the park and viewed all the monuments and got a good perspective on what the soldiers could see while marching towards their combatants. Had a lovely lunch in Gettysburg, then awesome dinner that night in Hagerstown at LJ's Open Table Restaurant.

Sometime after Jack delivered us back to our RV, a "donut fairy" delivered a box of REALLY fresh Krumpe's donuts! Wonder who the donut fairy was, Jack??? We were so spoiled while in Hagerstown, we hated to leave! Next stop, Washington, DC.

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to experience the history in VA. and PA. Besides I have a sober brother in VA.! And a wounded soldier friend in VA. Walter Reed Hospital. I get to skype with him daily.
    I was in WA. DC as a child and would love to return there someday. Happy Trails Kids...we miss you on Sunday night!
