Sunday, October 30, 2011


After leaving Ogunquit, we travelled a whole 29 miles after stopping for lunch shortly after leaving. Shopped for groceries, and Al made some phone calls regarding getting DISH receiver in our RV for TV reception. So, we stayed in Lowe's parking lot at Seabrook, NH.
Then, next day after our usual 11:30 am departure, we went all the way to Saugus/Melrose, Massachusetts, (about another 40 miles, I think), just north of Boston. We are parked in an Elks Club lot once again. Have had 15amp hook-up, and could get water at the lodge. The DISH guy came next morning and determined the new receiver would not work to run both our TV's on different stations (I like ABC, Al likes news channel) with our current satelite, so we opted to pass. So we are at the mercy of the few stations we sometimes pick up unless we are connected to cable in a park.

We did laundry and visited the visitors bureau and found how to take the Subway (T) into Boston from Melrose. So, next day, Wednesday, we took the T and made it to Prudential Center in Boston. Took a tour on a Duck Amphibious vehicle through town and then into the river. Al got to steer the boat for awhile in the river. Was a really rainy day, and the plastic sides were down on the Duck, so visibility wasn't great, but the conDuctor was great, and told us a lot of what we were looking at. Then we had lunch at "5 Napkin Burger", where Al had this yummy burger. I had a wonderful green salad with a beef patty (it had to be 10 oz of beef!). Then we managed to make our way back to our car via the subway again. We had to park about 10 blocks away, and it was wet, but we had fun. Along our walk I took this pic of the fallen leaves. Al thought I was nuts, but I think they are pretty. (He admitted later that they were).

Next day, we took the T again, and went into the downtown to walk the Freedom Trail. It is a 2.5 -3 mile walking trail (marked by red line of bricks from site to site....we only lost the path a couple times!) through many historical sites in downtown Boston, including Bunker Hill monument, State House (built in 1795), Parkstreet church, Kings Chapel, Franklin Statue, Old State House (built in 1713), Quincy Market, etc., etc., and the tour of the USS Constitution. (can't take pocket knives inside the Navy base, so Al had to ditch his in a planter outside before we went in. The guard outside kindly told us that Al would be arrested when going through security if he had it in his possession...really grateful for his heads up!!!)
The tour of the USS Constitution was really interesting. It is still an active Naval ship and they have a crew aboard at all times. It actually goes out to sea 6 times a year (we had just missed it by a couple days). The Seaman aboard talked as if it were still in the 1800's and explained what it was like for the men on the ship. The lower deck was only 5'5" ceiling height, and full of hammocks right next together where the 400 men slept in 4 hour shifts. They were each given 1 gallon of water a day which they could drink, wash with or do laundry. Most drank it, so the stench must have been incredible!! They were also forced to drink 2 cups of "grog" a day which was rum, mixed with something, and lemon juice. The lemons were to keep them from getting scurvy, which caused more death than the war. The men were not allowed to save up their grog, but had to stand and consume it in front of the marine guards .
Yesterday, Sunday, we went to see a play called "Buddy Cop 2". Got front row seats. Interesting play, not really exciting, with a surprise ending. Then after the show, the actors (all but one) sat on the stage and discussed the meaning and outcome of the play. that was a first for us. Nice theater! Used to be a vaudeville stage, and also a cinema.
Then, last night, we went to a halloween party and dance. Outrageous costumes, good food and fun. About 10pm, people started coming in with snowflakes on their coats and heads, so we looked out and there was about 2" of snow and still coming down. We decided to head back for the RV while we could. This morning, it had warmed up and was melting, and tonight it is nearly gone. supposed to be warmer and nice for a few days. It had snowed about the same amount a couple nights before. I think we are twice warned! We are heading towards Plymouth, MA in the morning, then probably towards Rhode Island, but we are definitely keeping an eye on the weather. Heard there are 3 million people without power in the Eastern US today, and one place got 14.5" of snow!!! TIME TO HEAD SOUTH!

It is now Tuesday, Nov 1, and we are at Plymouth, MA. Weather still good. Drove in car to CapeCod, leaving the RV at the Elks lodge in Plymouth :-). Not much to see as most places are closed sometime in October. Then we decided to drive to Hyannis to see the JFK Museum, Memorial and Libray, but they were closed, too. Only open Thurs-Sat. So, we walked around and had a great lunch at a cute, different place called "Common Ground", run by a culture called 12 somethings. They give up all their possessions, etc., and take care of each other. Strange, but good healthy food! We especially liked their "Not Cocoa" made from Carob and sweetened with honey! Will have to search out getting some carob powder!

Tomorrow, we will check out Plymouth Rock, Mayflower 2 (a replica), and Plimouth Plantation
(a living museum) and anything else we can find to do here. Weather is supposed to be sunny and 53, with low of 35 tonight.

That's all for now, folks!

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