Wednesday, September 7, 2011

9/7/11 notes

well, we've been on the road again and not much internet service where we stayed, so will briefly fill you in.

The week at Akron ended up with a trouble light showing up in the GMC (tow car). We asked some friends we had met there, and they directed us to a Chevy dealer who advised us we had a leaking gas tank. So, they gave us a rental car for 2 days while they replaced it, and we had the odometer replaced as well since it was barely still under warranty. Left them a lot of money, and off we went with the car in good working order again.

Also, I neglected to mention a cool thing about Dr. Bob's house. there are 12 steps up to the entry...the only house on the block with 12 steps! Kinda gives us goose bumps to think about how God orchestrated the whole thing.

After leaving Akron , We headed towards Pittsburgh, PA. Having been advised to park outside the city, we finally found (it was pre-Labor-day week-end, and parks were full) a place in Industry, PA called Stainovich's Orchard Grove. She (owner, Betty) doesn't really advertise any longer since her husband died 4 or 5 years ago, and there were only a few units in the park. We parked next to the only other good-size RV and a single lady named Dottie met us when we pulled up and was a wonderful neighbor! We went into the city of Pittsburgh several times, and enjoyed a river cruise on "The Good Ship Lollypop" There are 3 rivers in Pittsburgh that join together at the point we took the cruise. It was in high 80's, and humidity about the same, so we were sweaty and hot all day. Since then it has been rainy, and we have even had to run the heat!We also took free rides (cuz we're seniors!) on 2 different Inclines which are like the Fenelon Elevator up the hillside we took in Dubuque, IA. They were fun, and saw the city from way up high.

Have been concerned (and still are) about youngest son, Brent's disected carotid artery prognosis. He has been hoping it has healed so he can go back to physical activity, but Dr. says there has not been as much healing as he had hoped. Now he is deciding whether to have angiogram, surgery, or what, and it is hard to know what to do. Al was going to fly to Seattle to be with him this week, but the procedings are on hold for now while Brent does more research. We appreciate all prayers.

We are now in Edinboro for the night in Wal-Mart. Were heading for Erie, PA, but got tired and decided to hole up here for the night. Just filled up with Diesel at $3.949 per gallon. It is drizzling rain, and dinner is ready. Love to all,

Sylvia & Al

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