Thursday, February 16, 2012

LazyDays RV Park & Brandon Elks

While in Dunedin, we drove out to Honeymoon Island and walked the beach. Didn't pay the fee to go into the State Park there, as it was cold and we opted to just walk the beach just outside the park. Didn't stay out long that day, but found this guy that had built a home-made sailboat and was getting ready to see if it would work. Also talked to a guy with a metal detector. He said the most interesting thing he had ever found was a lower plate with 2 gold fillings which he had melted down and made into jewelry!

From there, we moved toLazyDays RV Park in Seffner (outside Tampa) on Monday after leaving the Elks at Dunedin. This place is amazing. There are MANY RV sites, plus full service section with 200 Service Bays for repair. They offer free breakfast and lunch Mon-Sat, and seminars on various topics all those days as well. The free meals weren't great, but if you were hungry, would be pretty good, and it included free coffee, tea, pop and juice any time of the day as well. There is a beautiful covered, open-air pool and hot-tub, but we never took time to go lounge, as there are too many other things to do. We looked at the new and used RV's here, but decided we are really happy with the one we have, but it is always fun to look! On the same property is a Camping World, Flying J's Station, and a Cracker Barrell Restaurant, and oh, yes. The RV Park has a restaurant/pub available as well.

Went to an RV Driving course (in classroom only) and learned a couple more tips on how to drive, a course on renovating the inside, one on repairing fogged windows instead of replacing, internet connectivity, apps to make computing easier, etc.

We drove through the historic section of Ybor (Tampa) and talked with the lady at the visitor center. We could have opted to take tour of cigar rolling factories, wine tasting, etc., but opted out of those.
I had the opportunity to get finger-printed , and guess what? I have NO FINGERPRINTS! All my years of restaurant and motel work, construction, etc., and they are gone! The lady said it is common among restaurant works, doctors, nurses, etc! Incredible! So...I'd better not ever need to have them on file!

I am pretty removed from reality on this trip, but the realization just dawned that tax time is only 2 months away! I finally got the year-end business reports done, but now have to hope we have all the info with us we need to file IRS.

From Lazydays, we moved about 9 miles to Brandon Elks. It was listed @ $10/night with water and elec, but their prices have changed since publication, and we are paying a whopping $17.50/night. Still very nice, peaceful park. There were only a couple rigs here when we got here, but now about 15? Fresh lemon and tangerine trees on the property, and only a few miles from Tampa.

We had steak dinner at the Elks the first night, and they had a 2-pc band and we got to dance til midnight when we turned in :-). On the way out, we noticed this table by the door, set for the POW's and pushed against the door. Very touching!

Went to the Florida State Fair and watched lawnmower races, (It had rained the day before, and the track was really sloppy....had to grade it, and they still got stuck in the mud....sounds like home!) pig races (big build-up for a silly event, but fun), Elvis show (really good music...saw it twice while there), and a Hillbillies show, plus went to a living museum of the history of Florida. Enjoyed watching all the people, games, and food vendors. They had almost everything imaginable deep-fried....pickles, butter, peanut butter sandwiches, oreos, tomatoes, vegies, cheese, you name it! We enjoyed nice healthy (and good, too!) salads.

Been here at Brandon 4 nights, and are heading back to Largo tomorrow for the week-end, as a friend let us know he is leading a spiritual retreat at Indian Rocks Beach this week-end. So, what the heck! We can always use a tune-up in that department, so why not! We still intend to head for The Keys, but keep getting side-tracked. As long as we are enjoying it, why not! Today is 80 degrees again, with a little breeze, so life is tough. Sorry to rub it in for those of you in the rain.

That's about it for this time. I keep losing internet connection, so want to get this saved and sent before it disappears again. Love and best wishes to all.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Central West Florida

PS. from the last blog: While in Orlando area, we played a couple rounds of putt-putt golf. I had never played or even swung a golf club before. It was quite fun. had to give up on one hole as we both kept losing our balls in the moving water after trying to go up a ramp and over a ditch to land on the other side. Al finally got his, but I had to give up! Our scores were not good (par 40...I got 70, Al got 60, on 1st course, (and on the water challenging one, par 41...I got 66, Al 56). Perhaps we should take lessons? But we had fun, and the weather was wonderful. If I can find a picture of the course, will add it later. Much better than the little one that used to be at Spring lake!!! Complete with rivers, ponds, volcano, etc! We were also going to go to "Wonderworks" and see the building upside down, but realized when we got there, that it is just an amusement park, and didn't want to spend $30 to go watch others do the rides. Shopped in the little mall instead and enjoyed the weather.

There is also this photo I took at a Wal-Mart lot showing how inconsiderate people can be. There were more carts lined up along the parking strips than there must have been inside the store. Had trouble finding that photo this morning, too, but in the process, learned how to enlarge them a little to look at.. When I tried to find the pics they were about 1/4" wide, and I couldn't see what they are on the blogger image search. GRRRRR! Will try to figure out how to fix that! also, I thought that by lightening the photos on Picasa they would stay that way, but see that these are dark! More learning! I also learned that by putting a caption on the pic when I upload it, it will be on the little prints when I search.
On the bus trip from the Rally the last day, Al found this beautiful mermaid in one of the booths, so naturally, I had to get his picture with her! Poor thing was really sweating in that suit in the sun!
Ok. So after the Rally at Brooksville, we ventured to Tarpon Springs. Al had heard about it at the TS Chamber of Commerce booth and it sounded interesting. He had been told about a parking lot in town where we could stay for $10 a night. Luckily, he was also warned about the parking attendant called "Talkie". When we drove up, he motioned for us to keep going by. A grumpy-appearing old Greek. We stopped, and he said to keep going. We said we were told we could park there and he said "who said". I told him Sue, and he said, "but you've got that car following you". I said we could unhook it. He said, "it will cost you $10, you know!". We said ok, so we pulled in. Al took him a bottle of cold water and asked if he would like me to fix him lunch. He declined, but thanked us. He still was a grumpy old man on the outside, but we think he really had a soft heart. We stayed 3 nights, each day asking if it was ok and paying him. Very colorful community.

Tarpon Springs is known for its natural sponge harvesting since the late 1800's. The 1st Greek to arrive there was John Cocoris, in 1896, and hired expert divers, equipment, etc. There soon were over 200 sponge boats in the little harbor. In the late 1930's, I a red tide wiped out the sponges, and the industry was destroyed. Eventually, they grew back, and today, it is one of the major sources of these animals. I think there are only about 6 sponge boats there, now. We went out on a 1/2 hour excursion boat to learn more. We watched the diver get into his gear. He wore several layers of regular clothing under the rubber suit, which he had to have help getting into. It is not insulated, and once into it, he would wear it all day. There is no porthole, so he would have to prepare his metabolism to not have any eliminations. The suit was bolted onto him with a neck piece, the shoes weigh 12 pounds each, and the suit, 72. Then the helmet, hose, etc., total weight 172 pounds! He was 6'5" and in VERY good shape. The narrator said the other diver they have is only 5'8", and they both share the same gear! We watched as he jumped overboard, the bubbles came up showing he was getting air, and he walked underwater til he found a sponge and brought it up. On a real dive, they go out miles and he is way under the surface. The only communication is a system of tugs on the line. A VERY dangerous occupation. He said he sleeps well at night as it is very tiring. A young, good-looking man, too! What a life!
While in Tarpon Springs, we enjoyed the shops in the little village, and had dinner at one of the Greek restuarants (Hellas). It was good, but much too rich for me, so was a one-time deal! Al went back for one of their bakery desserts to go, and enjoyed it for 2 treats. We also shared a dish of NF SF ice cream from one of the shops, which was an experience neither of us will forget in addition to the effects of the non-fat additive.
Driving around the area, we came upon this old mansion for sale. The Edward Newton Knapp House, circa 1886, a historical landmark. There are many such beautiful homes.
"Talkie" had told us where to find the Bayou, and that we may be able to spot manatee in the water. I had to look up on the internet to see what we were looking for...up to 10'mammal, closest relative to the elephant. We were disappointed to not see any. Evidently, when the weather is nice, they move out to the ocean. since it is cooler today, we may have seen them if we were still there! Oh, well, walked on the ocean beach and watched the birds and people. These 2 birds were particularly funny, carrying on quite a conversation which I tried to join in. They were definitely conversing to each other, and it appeared it could have been argumentative.Sorry I didn't take a video!
From there, we went to Holiday to have the new antenna checked, and they determined the satelite box had been blown out (probably when the cable converter box was connected in Portland), so had to get a new one. Also, found out the new antenna Al had bought at the Rally got fewer channels than the old one, so took it off. Then, drove to Dunedin, FL to park at the Elks. Al tried to get Satelite TV, and now it only works on the small bedroom TV, but I can watch network stations like ABC on the living room one. So, when we leave here, will go back too Holiday and get that fixed, probably meaning we will need to install another converter box for the other TV. Always something. At least we are not far away this time!

Went to Clearwater Beach, Pier 60 the 1st night at Dunedin. (Clearwater is just a few miles from Dunedin). The beaches are beautiful with gorgeous white sand that looks like snow. We walked along the dock lined with vendors, then along the beach for an hour or so, just about sunset. Gorgeous!
Next morning, went to Dunedin Green Market. A wonderful produce and locally made booths like our outdoor market in Tillamook. We got some wonderful fresh vegies! Then, we walked out to the waterfront onto a fishing pier and found the beautiful brown pelicans just sitting on the railing and the dock. We walked right up to them (didn't touch them), and they didn't seem to have any fear. They are amazing birds!!! I could have watched them all day, and we did for quite awhile. Then, looked in the shops and enjoyed the fresh air. Also they had a nice veterans memorial showing most states, but not Oregon! That night, it rained, and was a day to catch up. Went to laundromat, Costco, and got hair cuts, and a meeting at night. Temps are getting cooler for a couple days. Down to 30's at night, and below 60 in the daytime, but it will warm back up soon. Pretty hard to take this weather!!!
Well, since I have been sitting here in my robe for several hours working on this blog, I will call it quits for today. Love to all of you. We hope you are having fun and enjoying life as best you can. We are learning more and more how short life really is, and how much there is to see and do while we are able.