Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Quartzsite to Home on June 16, 203

From Quartzsite, we spent a night at Laughlin, NV, had dinner and  "paid to play" a few machines so they could pay off for someone else.  Don't know why we games are just as entertaining and are free :-).
Then we arrived at Las Vegas and stayed at our friend Wally & Sylvia's while we picked up a few things that our daughter, Jan, had not had room to take back to Washington when she moved.  Wally needed some help getting his new house ready to move into, so we stayed a few days longer.  Heat was in triple digits, and RV only cooled to about 83 cuz we were plugged into 30amp and only one AC would work, but we were comfy, and the price was right.
     We enjoyed the great neighborhood there and had good visits with Wally & Sylvia, Buddy, Ziggy, Lenny & Jeri, Martin & Jean, and "Homeless John" who has been watching over Jan's property.
      Al also put new combo locks on Brent's house there, as Chris is moving back to Bellevue and getting married, so they are going to try their hand at having a vacation rental.

Gilroy Elks RV Park
From Vegas, we stayed at Primm, Daggett (near Barstow), Kingsbury, then to Gilroy Elks.  Beautiful lodge with great view right next to the golf range.  8 RV spots,, which had at most 6 RV's the 5 nights  we were there.  Had lovely home-cooked dinner and visit at Morgan Hill  with my cousins Mary Ann and Ken, and 3 of their children.  Shane 22, Hannah 8-1/2, and Cameron 6.  Lisa, their oldest has 3 children, but we didn't get to meet them.  Mary Ann  homeschools the 2 younger children, and has done a great job.  We thoroughly enjoyed our evening including a selection of the kids piano recital music, but I am really kicking myself for not thinking to take pictures while with them. Mary Ann is quite the artist, and I was in awe of  her work!

Next day was Mushroom Mardi Gras in Morgan Hill, so we wandered around the street vendors enjoying the music and people-watching.  Weather was perfect for their festival!
Sylvia, Kevin & Justin
Then, Memorial Day we attended a very short and respectful service at Gilroy cemetary, then cousin Kevin & his son Justin, age 11, (and oh, yes, his great bulldog, Matilda!) joined us at the Gilroy Memorial Day Parade, followed by great lunch with them at Black Bear Diner.  Justin is a great kid!  So in tune with our conversation, the TV, the background music, etc., and SO well-behaved.  They hope to come to the PNW this summer, and I look forward to seeing them again.
crossing Golden Gate in RV

Then, on to San Francisco!  Parked at Marin Park across the Golden Gate Bridge from SF.  Took the passenger ferry (Clipper Ship 4.50pp each way Sr. Rate) across the bay, then took bus (75 cents each) to Fishermans' Wharf.  Walked all over looking in shops, people--watching, etc., got T-shirts, and I got a nice reversible jacket.  Al couldn't find one to fit or he would have gotten a matching one.  Had awesome chowder in bread bowl for lunch at Boudin's, walked some more, then caught bus back to ferry.  Had to walk about 1/2 mile to and from the ferry, but well worth it.  2nd day, we took the bus into town, and had ride on the famous San Francisco Cable Cars ($6 each), then walked more, found Chinatown, (oldest Chinatown in the country) and had a great lunch there.  Rode on the running board of the cable car, so had to hang on too tight to take photos, but was fun.  Walked some more, figured out where to catch the bus back and it must have been across a pay line, as it was $5.50 each on return trip, but we were happy to be on it and sitting!

Al shows proportionate size of Redwood!
This shows the dimensions of the tree  I
am standing by in photo below.
Sylvia by Founders Tree
2 days of SF was enough for this trip, so we headed up Hwy 101 towards the Redwoods.  Stayed at Garberville and took day trip in the car through the "Avenue of Giants" (31 mile road through the "Avenue" to see the amazing Redwoods).  Our God is such an amazing gardener!!
Some of the Giants are over 2000 years old!!!
This was first stop on the "Avenue of Giants"
Travel Log
Travel Log
My camera just does not capture their magnificence  
At the Visitor Center, we read about the lives of the people who first inspired to save the Redwoods, the loggers and their families,
"One Log House" across from RV park in Garberville

Inside "One Log House" at Garberville
and an RV made out of a hollowed log which was taken around the country to promote the preservation of these giants.

We stayed 2 nights in Garberville, then up the California Coast to Crescent City where we parked at the Elk Valley Casino.  The RV parking there is in a secluded lot a little ways  away from the casino.  Had a nice quiet evening there, and I awoke to see 6 Bull Elk and 1 Cow Elk  about 20 feet from the RV.  The Bulls all had huge racks ad were i n velvet.  Such beautiful animals.  They grazed there for about 20 minutes until a passing car scared them away.

 From  there, we went to Grants Pass, Oregon and visited with Terry & Darlene
Driving out their drive, Darlene spotted a tiny fawn  in the bushes.
Can you see it?  All you can see is its eye!
Al & Terry
 Leaving Grants Pass, we  parked at Veneta by the DQ and got to see our good friend Lori and went to dinner.  Portions were huge, and food was excellent.  "Our Daily Bread", I think the place was called.    

Next, went to Wood Village to see our good friend Chuck Snuggerud who is still recouperating from complications after his ATV accident.   It was great to see him.  Darn!  Didn't get his photo.  We parked at Camping World for the night with electrical hook-up and they had a dump station.   On the way to Washington, we stopped and had lunch at Olympia with our friend Mark Parker!  So good to be seeing familiar faces and good friends.
Jessica & Elise

Jim & Dao
Camden being silly!
Not being ready to go home, we headed to Washington to see our 3 kids, the grandkids, my brothers, etc.  Stayed first for 3 nights at Lynnwood, to see son Jim and family and see their new home.
What better toy than a moving box!
Brent & Cara

  From there, we spent 3 days in Bellevue with son Brent and family, staying at an RV park with a pool which the grandkids really enjoyed even though the water was COLD.!  Hot tub was good and hot, though, so we did enjoy that.
Al & Nathan

Then, over across Puget Sound to Poulsbo where daughter, Jan has moved into the home I grew up in.  The home has had very little attention since my parents passed away, and it was pretty sad, but she has done miracles painting, patching and decorating!  Mom and Dad would be so happy and proud, and SO am I!  She fixed a wonderful welcome home/birthday dinner for us, and invited many of the family. Then, the HIGHLIGHT of the evening:  Jan put together and printed all the blogs I have written on the trip and had them bound into a book!  I had intended to try to do this, but I KNOW I could never have done the BEAUTIFUL job that she did for us!

Glenn  & Gary Watland
Gram Yvonne, DJ & Tuesday

Sylvia & Billie Jo

Jan's beautiful dining room

Sylvia & Tom

Jan's redecorated living room

After 3 days in Poulsbo, we headed for Oregon, and got as far as Hillsboro, which is only about 1-1/4 hrs from home, but we decided to stay over and get fresh start next morning.  We arrived home June 16, which was just shy 6 days of being gone 2 years.  We have been home for 10 days, and have been sorting clothes, getting rid of many and trying to get organized again.  Came to the reality that we have not missed  much of this stuff and overwhelmed with how much we have!  

The kitties are delighted to be home and having room to run and play again.  They sniffed out every square inch of the house at least once.!  
  Rusty couldn't quite fit, but he tried!
Well, for those of you who have faithfully followed our blog, this is the end of this trip!  It has been an amazing adventure, and we are so greatful to have had the opportunity and our health and look forward to seeing some of the spots we missed on another trip.  Our housesitter, John Coughlin, has just bought a house in Tualatin, OR, so he is busy getting ready to move.  We are so thankful he was able to stay the whole time we were gone.
Hugs to all,
Al & Sylvia

Sunday, March 24, 2013


  1. to Quartzsite, AZ

    Well, it was just before Christmas, 2012, last blog I wrote so I have a lot to remember and fill in!  Luckily, I have kept a daily personal journal so I can review what the last  months have been like, cuz on my own, I hardly remember yesterday!  We stayed in Harlingen from Dec 15 til Mar 15, so I had not a whole lot to write about!  We had only intended to stay a few days, which turned into a month, which turned into 2, etc.  Robert & Nicole said we could cut through their lot to go to the pool and we got acquainted with them                      and a lot of their friends, in addition to the fact the park had so much to do...we even got involved with a little Variety Club ("theater?") there and were in 2 performances.

    Variety Club at Harlingen
    Christmas Eve, there was a dinner at the park, but we were invited to go with a group of neighbors to Chinese Buffet where a lot of people from the park were going.  Nice to have people to be with to enjoy.  Christmas night, there was a dance at the park, and we were invited to join a table of the staff, and got to know a few more people.  There were dances 2-3 nights a week, but mostly line dancing, and what we tried to learn was "trail dancing".  Couples line up and all do the same steps (which is taught in classes once a week).  We went to a few classes, but it is just not our kind of dance....too much choreography to learn!  A few of the dances had variety of music, so we did get to dance some.

    I got in habit of going to the morning aerobics exercise classes M-F, and Al would go to the work out room and use the equipment.  Saturday mornings, there was a Zumba class which I thoroughly enjoyed!!!  Wish it had been more than once a week, but was great.

    One night we had a surprise..Opened the refrigerator door, and it fell off!  Guess I had stuffed it too full on the bottom shelf, and pushing against the food forced it and the plastic broke!  Al used Duct Tape and superglue so we could get it back on and had hoped it would work, but ended up buying a new door.  Can you believe just a new door was +/- $800.  This frig has been a real pain!!!  Still not working the way it should either.
    Elvis Duo in Harlingen

    One night, we went to a hamburger place with a group from the park, and they had 2 Elvis Impersonators who actually performed together.  Pretty good job done by both.  1st time they had ever done it!  Hmmmmm..just realized this NEW WINDOWS 8 COMPUTER is not laid out like my old one, and I can't pull up the photos!  Yeauck!!!  More to learn, and I am  struggling!!!  Sorry about no photos!  Actually, I don't think we took any scenic photos in Harlingen the whole time, just pics of the new friends we made there.
    Jim & Sue

    We spent a couple days in South Padre Island at a retreat, and that was nice.  Most people around here spend a lot of time at the beach there, but it didn't appeal to us that much.  Lots of wind in and around Harlingen.
    Robert & Nicole, Harlingen

    Dave & Anne
    Jim & Janet
    So you remember who we are!
    The Harlingen area put on a free festival (gave everyone T-shirts) with  lots of booths and free samples

    We went to lunch with 2 other couples in our car, so I got to ride in the back end with the cat carriers, etc.  Glad it wasn't very far!  
    I got the last seat in the car!

    Sunshine Kitchen Band

    Paul & Celeste

    We visited the Border Patrol office for a tour which was very interesting.  There was a lecture about how they patrol the border, make drug busts, etc.  They took us into the ammo room to see all their equipment, and showed us how the night vision goggles, etc., work.  Then to a camera room where 20 cameras along the border are monitored, and into a "Bubble" room to oversee drug mules and other illegals get processed.  Pretty frustrating to hear how many of them are released and go back to do it over and over again.  The guard said some of them are on 1st name basis, they have been there so often!
    We took 2 trips walking across the border into Progresso, MX.  We were told the Cartels are paid to leave the tourists alone there, and that it is the only safe crossing at this time.  We went to a dentist and got our teeth cleaned and got night guards made to protect our teeth when we sleep from grinding/clenching.
    Rusty, too!
    Magoo knows how to relax!

    First week in Feb., I flew to Seattle area to visit with family.  Al stayed in Harlingen to take care of Rusty & Magoo, and enjoyed his time as a bachelor, I think.  I had a great visit, got to see all 3 kids and spouses, all 6 grandchildren, both brothers and one's wife, ex-mother-in-law, etc.  SO Nice they are all in same area.  I hopped around from place to place to spend as much time as possible with each one.  Hardest part of this traveling for me is not being close to family and friends!
    Wow!  The 2 oldest Granddaughters are learning to drive and doing well.  So hard to believe they have grown up so fast.  Son, Brent   and his wife took me with their 4 children for special lunch in the Space Needle!  Has been years since I have been up, and the view still is boggling.
    8  Birthday Balloons!

    Daughter, Jan & Joy

    Brent, Nathan & Camden

    Jessica is 8 on Chinese New Year

    Meredith,  Cara  & Vanessa

    Siblings,:  Tom, Sylvia, Glenn

    This tree was at Town Square in Uvalde, TX.  Can't get the picture to move where I want it!

    So,I did just regular stuff most of the time, but we kept busy!  Our middle son, Jim and his wife, have an  offer accepted on a new house and are waiting on finalization of that , Our daughter, Jan, is moving into my family home and fixing it up, Youngest, Brent and family , is busy working, and grateful to be able to be working out again after his  scare last year with dissected artery in his neck!

    First night after leaving Harlingen, we stopped at Zapata, TX for one night.  Took the 20 ByPass around Laredo, as we have heard from many NOT to go into Laredo, especially in our RV!  Illegals hiding in the brush along the hwy, as it is right on the border.   After not moving for so long, we were both tired from the stress of getting ready, plus our brake and turn lights on the car wouldn't work when hooked to the RV.  2nd night, stayed at Crystal Springs in a park full of welders for the oil pipelines.  Nice quiet park, and there weren't many nice parks or many parks at all to choose from along Hwy 83!  3rd night at Bec's in Concan, then stopped at ,Junction, TX at a car repair place to get the lights figured out before we got stopped or rear-ended.  They got it fixed quickly and helped  us find an RV park a few blocks away.  On the way to the park, I was driving the car, and realized the AC was not working.  Then, it started only working on the passenger side.  So I went back to the car repair, and they said to leave it til morning so they could check it out.  Well, it needed a part, which came in next day, but was wrong part in right box.  So, we stayed another night to get the right part.  The part did not fix the problem!  So it is now our 4th night here, and we are waiting to hear.  They had to take the whole dashboard apart to get to it, and  they are short-handed!  Nice park here, and we got 50% discount as Al is a veteran!   Problem is, no car, so we are not going anywhere.  Walked to town (about 1 mile each way) yesterday, and will go again later today.  Got the RV clean inside (I vacuumed, and Al cleaned the shower).  Oh, yes, no Verizon in this area, so am using wi-fi at the park, and daughter-in-law told me about Tango and Viper to get and make phone calls via wi-fi.  Modern technology leaves me baffled!  We were there 5 nights, the AC fixed ($680), then moved on to Abilene for 2 nights.  Went to see the play, "39 Steps", which didn't impress either of us.  Abilene was cold and windy. On to Lubbock, TX where we stayed at their Elks  for 11 nights.   Enjoyed visiting with the couple parked next to us, (Roger & Doris) and had the RV worked on at Billie Sims RV, this time for the heat pump/AC.    Still battled trying to learn Windows 8 and get my stuff where I could use it.

    Al celebrated his 70th birthday by getting our hair cuts,  dinner and a meeting.  Next day, went to the Buddy Holly Center!   We both learned more about the tragic plane crash that took his life along with Richie Valens and "The Big Bopper" than we ever remember hearing when it happened.  Very interesting place.

    We also visited the WWII Silent Wings Glider Museum.  Way more interesting than I expected, about the Gliders, their pilots, and how they were used in the war.
    Al's lunch babe

    We also went to see movie, "Temptations of a Marriage Counselor", which was touted to be a comedy...NOT!  It was well done, but not funny, at least to us!   The Visitor Center was very helpful, and we went  to the Museum of Art which was very well done.

    Inside Carlsbad Caverns! Can't describe
    the beauty!!!!!
    From Roswell, to Carlsbad Caverns!  there are not enough words or photos to describe the amazing beauty found underground here.  I wasn't sure I was going to be able to walk the steep, descending pathway  because of my knees balking at first but I persevered, and after they got used to it were fine.  So glad, as it was truly wondrous.750' below the earth, we walked about 3 miles through the caverns, taking picture after picture.                      

    Frozen fountain
    Leaving Carlsbad, The sewer hose snapped in the cold, and spew its contents.  Luckily, Al didn't get it all over him, but had to clean up the dump area!  From there, we drove about 5 miles to get Propane, and the lady asked why our exhaust hose was laying on the ground!  So another thing to fix.  Al was able to fix it back with some wire.  Glad she noticed it before it did real damage!                      
    From there to Bernalillo to see our good friend Susan Bade who used to live in Tillamook.  We were there about 4 years ago, and became friends with her husband, Bruce, and many of their friends there.  So it was almost like old home week.  We pulled into Coronado Campground where we intended to stay about a week, but thought we had picked up bad fuel in Roswell, as the engine had no pick up.  We drove around all over for a couple days to get rid of the fuel, filled up again and it was still bad.  When driving around, the mud flap tore off one side and fell tearing the exhaust by-pass hose.   Took RV to Meyers RV in Albuquerque to have them take the pillow block off the heat pump (advised to do so by the manufacturer).  Al got the mud flap repaired and replaced with Al Withers' help!

    Loretto Chapel Santa Fe
    We drove to Santa Fe and saw the Loretto Chapel Staircase.  The Chapel was built with no access to the choir loft, and the Sisters prayed for a solution.  A carpenter arrived on a donkey to build a circular staircase with only a saw, square, hammer and tubs in which to soak the wood.  His miraculous staircase contains 33 steps in two full 360 degree turns.  It has no center support, nor is it held from its sides.   When he finished building, he disappeared without seeking payment.

    We took the RV to Caterpillar to check out as still running poorly.  They agreed we had a problem, but couldn't work on it til the next week.  I returned the Windows 8 computer to Coscto.  Hated to give up, but it was making me absolutely CRAZY!!!  Ordered another online with Windows 7, so now I am learning it, but at least can find my photos and put them on here!!!  I had written quite a bit on this blog before, but lost almost all of it tonight and had to do it over.  Still having difficulty with placement of photos but at least its is much better than none at all!  We spent a lot of time with our friends from Bernalillo, going to meetings, out to eat, movies, etc.  Then took the RV to Caterpillar and moved us and the kitties to Super 8 motel for 4 nights while they replaced the fuel pump and all 6 injectors!  Thank God we have an extended warranty as it paid all but $500 deductible.  It is now running MUCH better, and our mpg increased by 1 mpg on this past fill up!

    Inside hot air balloon
    Went to the Balloon Museum at Albuquerque.  Much to see and read, and would have learned more if we were not so tired that day.
    Al Withers & Dolores

Guest at Bruce's party

From Bernalillo to Gallup, NM for 1 night, then on to Flagstaff where we got to
have a late-night visit with Alex and Amy Rangel who used to live in Tillamook.  They both look great, and have been working hard at their new jobs while Amy goes to school.    Next day, drove through Sedona, AZ.  Beautiful, like Zion, in the mountains.  We were disappointed not to be able to stop in town, as there didn't seem to be any place big enough for our rig with car attached.  Next time will go in the car.  The road down from Flagstaff was pretty winding, and neither of us were able to relax and enjoy the beauty.
I do drive occasionally!

Then to Sun City where we stayed and played at Paradase RV park with pool for a week, looked at RV's, shopped, etc., then to Mesa Palm Gardens for 2 nights, looked at more RV's,   AND WE FOUND ONE .  We both loved it!  Only problem was, it is 40' long, and won't fit in the garage at home!  Kinda made the rest of the RVs look uninteresting, at least for now.

 Mesa has golf-cart crossing signs all over the place, and there were even spaces reserved at the bank for golf cart parking!  Guess that's what most people come here to do!

 Tonight, we are staying in Quartzsite for the night.  Quite a change from when we have been here in January for the big RV Rally and 50K people!  Hardly a car in town!  Tomorrow, we head for Laughlin for a day or 2 then to Las Vegas to visit friends.  I will try to blog more often and make them SHORTER! Now that I am learning a little about the new PC.

PLEASE let me know if you prefer not to get these blogs in the future.  Hope all is well with all of you until we see you again,
Al & Sylvia Johnson